Browsing -22- العدد الثاني والعشرون by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 56
Air Pollution From The Cement Industry in AlKhums City:A Case Study in LEBDA Cement Plant
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)The cement industry is a strategic industry because it is directly related to construction and reconstruction. Cement is used as a hydraulic bonding material from mortar or concrete components. Cement factories are usually ... -
Analysis of Some Soft drinks Samples Available in Alkoms City
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)This study demonstrates the measurement of some properties in soft drink, namely pH, citric acid concentration, electrical conductivity(EC), and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), eight samples of the most consumed soft drink ... -
Anti-diabetic and Hypoglycemic Activities of Onion: A review
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, action or both. Plants from the genus Allium, particularly onions (Allium cepa) have been consumed for ... -
Antibacterial activities and phytochemical analysis of leafextracts of Iphionascabraplant used as traditional medicines in ALKHUMS-LIBYA
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)Abstract: Medicinal plants contain inherent active ingredients used to cure diseases or relieve pain and traditional remedies made from these plants play an important role in maintaining the health of 70%–80% of people.The ... -
A case study of excessive water production diagnosis at Gialo E-59 Oil field in Libya
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)The main problem with Libyan oil fields is the excessive production of water. The purpose of this paper is to diagnose excessive water production mechanisms. Chan approach, PIPESIM Software, and Vogel Equation were applied ... -
A Case Study on Students' Attitude Towards Speaking and Writing Skills Among Third& Fourth Year University Students at the Faculty of Education, Elmergib University
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)وجد اختلاف بين الباحثين والدارسين حول الفرق بين اللغة المنطوقة والمكتوبة في خطاب المتعلمين. إذ يعتقد بعض العلماء أن المتعلمين يخشون دائما من ورقة بيضاء أو شاشة حاسوب فارغة. هذا ببساطة لأنهم لا يعرفون ماذا يكتبون حتى عندما ... -
The challenges associated with distance education in Libyan universities during the COVID 19 pandemic: Empirical study
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)This study explored the challenges associated with distance education in Libyan universities during the COVID 19 pandemic from the students’ perspective. To identify such challenges, a survey was designed and used. It’s ... -
Determination of Chemical and Physical Properties of Essential Oil Extracted from Mixture of Orange and Limon Peels Collected from Al-khoms–Libya
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)The peel of citrus is known to be rich in essential oil. Essential oil compositions and properties vary among the citrus species and the climate factors play an important role. Essential oil to be suitable for the specific ... -
Difficulties faced by students in oral presentation in classroom interaction
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01): The purpose of this study was to determine the difficulties with an oral presentation in the third-Year English students at El-mergib University in the academic years 2021 and 2022. Because it was comparable to gathering ... -
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01-01)Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the importance of “The word and sentence stress in spoken English”, compared to other languages, and also how and when the speaker could put the stress and the difference between ... -
Investigate the Effect of Video Conferencing Traffic on the Performance of WiMAX Technology
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01-01)Abstract: in recent years, WiMAX technology has been wildly used to provide broadband connections to end users. Many modern applications, such as Video conferencing, can be run over this network. Running application ... -
Kinetic Model of Methanol to Gasoline (MTG) Reactions over H-Beta,H-ZSM5 and CuO/H-BetaCatalysts
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)Abstract: The catalytic conversion of methanol to hydrocarbons of gasoline range has been studied over H-Beta, CuO/H-Beta, and HZSM-5. The catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction and TGA technique. The performances ... -
La poésie de la résistance en France Le cas de La Rose et Le Réséda de Louis Aragon et Liberté de Paul Éluard
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)La période entre 1940-1945 est une période très importante dans l’histoire française contre l’occupation allemande et ses terrifiantes conséquences. Le 10 mai en 1940 l’Allemagne d’Hitler attaque la France, écrasée par ... -
The Lack of Teacher-Student Interaction in Libyan EFL classroom
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)This study investigates thelack of interaction between Libyan teacher and students in classroomto find out how Libyan English teachers make the students interact in the classroom.This study was conducted at Al Asmarya ... -
"Le dédoublement des personnages dans Une vie ou l'Humble vérité de Guy de Maupassant"
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)In this study, we try to explain the theme of the duplication of characters in the novel Une vie written by the French author Guy de Maupassant. By explaining this theme, we aim to answer the following question : will the ... -
Manufacturing of Porous Metal Oxides HTiNbO5 Catalyst
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)Metal oxides with high porosity work very well as catalyst for the degradation of organic pesticides compared with the corresponding bulk materials. Template-assisted method is generally employed to prepare porous metal ... -
Oneness and existence of the solution to the problem of boundary values for a set of second-order partial differential equations
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01-01)Abstract: Most of the problems of mathematical physics, when solving them, result in solving one or more partial differential equations with imposed initial and boundary conditions. This is known as boundary value problems ... -
Performance Evaluation of Blacklist and Heuristic Methods in Phishing Emails Detection
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)Abstract- Phishing is a cybercrime in which, attackers try to fraudulently retrieve users’ credentials by mimicking trusted communication channels. Phishing attacks are usually start with email means.Many methodsareimplemented ... -
A proposed Model for Risks Management measurement in Cloud Computing Environment (Software as a Service)
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01): Cloud computing is a new and interesting subject. It has resulted in many services besides the increasing number of users. Cloud computing offers good storage, that can be dealt with at different times and locations, ... -
Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (review)
(ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)Abstract: The paper will describe all the details about Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) Technique. The well-collimated beam of energetic particles is shot into a high-vacuum scattering chamber containing the ...