الآن تُعرض المواد 154 -- 173 من 523

    • Teaching Large Classes 

      بالشيخ, جلال علي (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2015-06)
      Large classroom size is a challenge faced by many teachers and learners in many parts of the world. In Libya, large classes have been clearly seen in public schools and universities. Investigations of large class size ...
    • Teaching pre- service teachers critical reading through the newspapers 

      Critical reading is of significance due to being one of the colleges and universities requirements and helping learners question what is being read. Since English teachers are required to teach critical reading to their ...

      الدالي, نادية محمد; اخميرة, ايمان احمد (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2021-07)
      The traditional learning systems have many challenges of manage the learning aspects (students, teachers, and materials) efficiently due to dynamic changes of learning environments. The researchers adapt various AI approaches ...
    • Topological folding of multiple chaotic graphs with density ‎variation 

      M. Alogab, Fathia (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01-01)
      Abstract: Chaotic graph is a graph which carries physical characters with density variation; ‎the density of chaotic graphs can be fixed and unique or different, according to this the ‎representation of the chaotic graphs ...
    • Totally Semi-open Functions in Topological Spaces 

      Ahmed, Amna Mohamed (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2021-07)
      In this paper, we introduce the concept of totally semi-open functions in topological spaces. Some interesting results and properties of totally semi-open functions are investigated and proven.
    • Towards Teaching CAT tools in Libyan Universities 

      Dhaw, Abdualla Mohamed (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2021-07)
      شهدت بدايات القرن الحالي إعادة النظر بجدية إلى الفوائد المحتملة من استخدام تكنولوجيا الترجمة في التعليم والتدريس. فقد أعرب الكتاب والباحثون المعاصرون عن آرائهم في دعم استخدام أدوات الترجمة بمساعدة الحاسوب (كات تولز) في ...
    • Transforming TESOL Pedagogy: Navigation Emerging Technology and Innovative Process 

      Elkut, Musbah Ramadan (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-07)
      The teaching of English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) discipline is starting to be influenced by the new geopolitical perspective that transformative pedagogy offers to grammar and communication training. In order ...
    • University Students’ Attitudes towards Blended Learning in Libya: Empirical Study 

      Adrugi, Salem Msauad; Elawaj, Tareg Abdusalam; Alhwat, Milad Mohamed (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2022-01)
      The present study aimed to explore the university students’ attitudes in Libya towards blended learning (B-earning). To explore such attitudes, the researchers designed a questionnaire. They selected a purposive sample ...
    • Use of E-Learning Innovation in Learning Implementation 

      Alsunousi Meelad, Mohammed Altahir; Mustafa Aldeep, Salem (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)
      ABSTRACT: The creation of diverse educational media is consistent with the quick growth of technology. E-learning is a type of information technology development that may be used as a learning tool. This study aims to find ...
    • The Use of Staggered Array of Aluminum Fins to Enhance the Rate of Heat Transfer While Subject To a Horizontal Flow 

      Ahmed, Mohsen Faroun; Said, Assma Musbah (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2022-07)
      In order to experimentally measure the thermal performance of the finned heat sink, it is essential that the rate of heat transfer between the heat sink and the flowing water be accurately measured at horizontal positions ...
    • Using blogs in English language teaching and teacher education programs 

      Elsherif, Entisar; Awerimmi, Radia (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2014-01)
      This paper explores the use of Blogs in ELT and English Language Teacher Education programs. It reviews the existing literature about using blogs in English language teaching and learning and how it can be implemented ...
    • Using Data Mining techniques in tracking the students' behavior in the asynchronous e-learning systems 

      Adrugi, Salem Msaoud; Algaet, Mustafa Almahdi; Elawaj, Tareg Abdusalam (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2018-07)
      Introduction Education is a comprehensive concept that contains methods of learning. A method of learning is a process that includes the procedures used by the teacher to achieve particular targets for the students. Some ...
    • Using Smartphone in Education: How Smartphone has impacted in Education, A Review Paper 

      Albouri, Saleh Meftah; Hawedi, Hadya S; Jaba, Mansur Ali (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-07)
      Mobile technology has become popular in the current social, educational and health sectors in the society. In general there are several names that are launched on smart devices, it can be divided into two categories, the ...
    • Utilizing Project-Based Approach in Teaching English through Information Technology and Network Support 

      Aldeb, Ismail Alhadi; Lawej, Abdualaziz Ibrahim (Elmergib University, 2018-01)
      This research is based on theory and an application. The researchers tried to introduce new techniques in teaching/learning a foreign language. This research took place in Khoms city at both The Light Way primary school ...
    • Writing an Argument 

      الترهوني, نهاد أحمد (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2015-06)
    • λ-Generalizations And g- Generalizations 

      Arwini, Khadiga Ali; Laghah, Entisar Othman (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2021-07)
      In this paper, we use the concept of λ-closed set and g-closed set to define two classes of generalized regular closed sets; namely λ-generalizations and g-generalizations. The class of λ-generalizations includes: r ...
    • اتجاهات الشباب نحو التعليم المهني في منطقة ترهونة 

      فرج الأحمر, جمعة عمر (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2013-06)
      يعتبر النظام التعليمي أساس التطور والتقدم في كافة مجالات الحياة فمخرجات النظام التعليمي تشكل أساسا لرفعة المجتمع أو تخلفه في كافة الأصعدة والمجالات فليس غريبا أن نجد المجتمعات المتقدمة تهتم اهتماما كبيرا بتطوير أنظمتها ...
    • اتجاهات النمو العمراني في مدينة مسلاته 

      المقريف, عائشة مصطفى; الاطرش, حنان محمد; ابوعنيزة, ربيع عبدالله (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2022-07)
      تعد دراسة النمو أو التطور العمراني لمدينة مسلاته من الدراسات ذات الأهمية البالغة، وذلك لما لها من أهمية واضحة في الكشف عن الظروف الجغرافية التي ساهمت في نشأة المدينة، وتطور عمرانها خلال فترات تاريخية سابقة، وكذلك التعرف ...
    • اتجاهات طلبة كلية التربية جامعة مصراتة نحوى المرض النفسي 

      الجروشي, عبدالمجيد عمر (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2022-07)
      هدف البحث الحالي إلى التعرف على اتجاهات طلبة كلية التربية نحوى المرضى النفسيين ولتحقيق هدف البحث تم تطبيق استبيان الاتجاه نحو المرض النفسي المكيف على البيئة الليبية من قبل الاستاذ فرحات صالح الزناتي وبعد استخراج صدقه وثباتة ...