A comparative study of the effects of Rhazya stricta plant residue on Raphanus sativus plant at the age of 15 and 30 days
Abstract: A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to assess the effects of Rhazya stricta plant residue on Raphanus sativus plant. The residue of R. stricta showed inhibitory effect on root length, dry weight and root to shoot length ratio of R. sativus especially at the high concentrations at different ages. The Rhazya residue showed positive effects on the photosynthetic pigments of R. sativus particularly on the carotenoids and chlorophyll a/b ratio at different ages. A significant increase in nitrogen content of R. sativus including total amount of free amino acid, soluble and insoluble nitrogen and crude protein was prominent at the late growth stage especially at the high concentrations. The Rhazya residue inhibited the contents of nitrogen of R. sativus in the early growth stage.