The learners' preferences of oral corrective feedback techniques
Over the past years, the studies on corrective feedback have attained notability in the second language acquisition field and in facilitating oral English development. Therefore, in many classrooms, the corrective feedback became an important classroom activity. Sheen (2011) pointed out that "feedback should be provided regardless of whether the learner’s response is correct or incorrect” (as cited in Fungula, 2013, p. 4).
Thus, what does corrective feedback mean? Ellis (2006) defined corrective feedback as
The form of response to learner utterances that contain errors. The responses can
consists of a) an indication that an error has been committed, b) provision of the correct target language form, or c) meta-linguistic information about the nature of the errors or any combination of these. (As cited in Cruz and Mendez, 2011, p. 64)
Corrective feedback could be written or oral, in this paper I will concentrate on the oral corrective feedback, its strategies or types and the learner’s attitude towards these strategies and what type they prefer in their learning of foreign language.