A novel Piggyback Scheme to Improve the Performance Of MAC Layer Based on IEEE802.11n
Our scheme is to improve the performance of MAC layer based on
IEEE802.11n, when the data transferring in reverse direction from side A
to side B, side B does not need to send only ACK, it can be wait for a
time and send a piggyback data frame (ACK+data) and the ACK get a
free ride. In this paper we propose bidirectional frame incorporated in to
the aggregation with fragment retransmission (AFR). The Packets from
the upper layer can be done with the help of AFR. Packets that exceed the
size threshold are divided into fragments. The MAC layer then transmits
the large frame and only retransmits corrupted fragments. The piggyback
frame is also the same, but with the ACK and make sure to put the ACK
in the first fragment. We have implemented this scheme in the NS-2.27
cygwin simulator to show the results for TCP and HDTV traffic.