Phytochemical, Heavy Metals and Antimicrobial Study of the Leaves of Amaranthus viridis
Amaranthus viridis belongs to Amaranthaceae family. Amaranthus, communally known as Green amaranth. Amaranthus viridis L decoctions are traditionally used in the treatment of various ailments including lessen labor pains and as an antipyretic, antiulcer, analgestic, laxative, as an antileprotic, as anti-inflammatory agents of urinary tract, against high blood sugar as well as against high cholesterol. In the present study phytochemicals present in the leaves of Amaranthus viridis were extracted with ethanol and the extract was used to investigate the phytochemical constituents. Based on results supported by different studies, Several secondary metabolites were found such as Alkaloids,Tannins, Phenols, Flavonoids, Proteins & amino acids, Glycosides, Saponins and Steroid. Our study also included the antibacterial activity of Amaranthus viridis against the bacterial pathogens using Ethanolic extract. The selected pathogens were E.coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella, the ethanolic extract of Amaranthus viridis showed antibacterial activity against the E.coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella. Finally, A study was conducted to analyse the presence of heavy metals in the Amaranthus viridis . AAS was used to examine the presence of heavy metals by acid digestion method. Overall the results of analysis showed that heavy metals were present in varied concentrations in Amaranthus viridis. The results obtained revealed that the leaves of Amaranthus viridis have some therapeutic values and could be exploited in the preparation of herbal drugs for the treatment of various ailments