dc.description.abstract | This research paper deals with crises administration supject between reality and contemporary challeuges, A crisis is created by its society and is a result of the circumstances that originate and develop inside it and react with its facts and conditions mutually, Also its basically governed by the brevailing thought and culture in society, The more thought is progressive and matehing the variables occuring in the environment, The more society ability to exceed its crises as the severity of the crisis will not be a sufficient reason for destroying and collapsing of societies espeeially for the societies that are willing to overcome and face crises, This will not aclieved but through aware and capable administration rising from the societys values and ideals, Crisis has become an essential part of life texture and adeveloped stage of the conflict as well as one of manifestations starting from the psychological inside an individual. The resesearcher has tried through this paper to investigate the reasous for orginating crises and their formation and developmeut factors also. The last part of the paper dealt with defining tracks, The changes occur through their different stages and how to deal with them, After that some praetical aspeets of crises will follow,The paper will be concluoled by some results and recommendations. | en_US |