Now showing items 371-390 of 1691

    • A Taxonomic Study of Medicinal Plants in Al Shaafin Reserve, in Musallata - Libya 

      El Werfalyi, Adel D; Hassan, Salem A; Ezarzah, Alhusein M (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2021-12)
      This research is concerned with a study of medicinal plants located in the Al- Shaafin Reserve area, Musallata City. The northwestern region of Libya is located at the end of the north-eastern edge of the western mountain, ...
    • Teachers' Point of Views for Effect and Incompatibility Between Education and Career’s Choice Among Libyan ELT & EFL Graduate Students 

      Aboualya, Mahmoud (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2020-06)
      The subject investigates the effectiveness and incompatibility between education and job choice among English language teaching (ELT) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) graduates has received much devotion in Libya. ...
    • Teachers’ and Students’ Attitudes towards the Impact of Class Size on Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language 

      Zayed Mawal, Suad Husen (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01)
      This paper is devoted to investigate the attitudes of English language teachers and students towards the impact of class size on the process of teaching /learning English as a foreign language. The researchwas conducted ...
    • Teaching English Language through Literature 

      Al Roubi, Dr. Bashir; Babu Kaja, Mr. Surendra (Elmergib University, 2018-09)
      Language and literature are deeply interlinked since the emergence of various literary activities began down the history of English language in Fifth Cesntury. Numerous literary jargon has been in use over centuries relevant ...
    • Teaching Large Classes 

      بالشيخ, جلال علي (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2015-06)
      Large classroom size is a challenge faced by many teachers and learners in many parts of the world. In Libya, large classes have been clearly seen in public schools and universities. Investigations of large class size ...
    • Teaching pre- service teachers critical reading through the newspapers 

      Critical reading is of significance due to being one of the colleges and universities requirements and helping learners question what is being read. Since English teachers are required to teach critical reading to their ...
    • THD Investigation of Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Inverter 

      Elzowawi, Alseddig; Saad, Islam; Elsherif, Mustafa (CEST-2018, 2018-09-27)
      Hybrid cascaded multilevel (HCML) inverter is a modification of the cascaded H-bridge (CHB) inverter, where this inverter has overcome the main drawback of the CHB inverter, which is the connection of a separate DC source ...
    • Theoretical Investigation of an Indirect Evaporative Air Cooling System 

      Alowa, Mohamed; Azzain, Gassem (CEST-2018, 2018-09-27)
      In this paper an indirect evaporative cooler theoretically investigated. Because of its low cost and low environment pollution, the indirect evaporative coolers have great potential as an alternative to conventional air ...

      الدالي, نادية محمد; اخميرة, ايمان احمد (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2021-07)
      The traditional learning systems have many challenges of manage the learning aspects (students, teachers, and materials) efficiently due to dynamic changes of learning environments. The researchers adapt various AI approaches ...
    • Thermal Performance of a Heat Pipe with Different Working Fluids 

      Alwaer, Ayad; Gryzagoridis, Jasson (CEST-2018, 2018-09-27)
      The use of Heat pipes, for a variety of applications, has increased worldwide due to them achieving high thermal efficiencies. Heat pipes in evacuated tube solar collector systems, in modern domestic water heating, comprise ...
    • To What Extent Do Preschool Classrooms Match With The Architectural Design Considerations? Al-Khums City Centre, Libya as Case Study 

      Zarigan, Mustafa; Senan, Lutfi; Omeman, Muftah (CEST-2018, 2018-09-27)
      In the recent few years, there has been a continued increase in the number of preschools in Libya in general and in AL-Khums city in particular. The classrooms are crucially important in terms of child development during ...
    • Tomato Disease Detection Using Image Processing and Hu Moment Algorithm 

      I. Salem, Abdulkream (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2022-12)
      Precision agriculture is necessary to improve agricultural productivity of specific crop. Image processing is an important tool for identification of plant diseases, whereas manual detection of crop Tomato disease is a ...
    • Topological folding of multiple chaotic graphs with density ‎variation 

      M. Alogab, Fathia (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-01-01)
      Abstract: Chaotic graph is a graph which carries physical characters with density variation; ‎the density of chaotic graphs can be fixed and unique or different, according to this the ‎representation of the chaotic graphs ...
    • Totally Semi-open Functions in Topological Spaces 

      Ahmed, Amna Mohamed (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2021-07)
      In this paper, we introduce the concept of totally semi-open functions in topological spaces. Some interesting results and properties of totally semi-open functions are investigated and proven.
    • Towards Teaching CAT tools in Libyan Universities 

      Dhaw, Abdualla Mohamed (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2021-07)
      شهدت بدايات القرن الحالي إعادة النظر بجدية إلى الفوائد المحتملة من استخدام تكنولوجيا الترجمة في التعليم والتدريس. فقد أعرب الكتاب والباحثون المعاصرون عن آرائهم في دعم استخدام أدوات الترجمة بمساعدة الحاسوب (كات تولز) في ...
    • Training programs for rehabilitation and treatment after sports injuries in basketball 

      INTRODUCTION: Injury prevention has always been an integral task of the training process of basketball players. Frequent injuries disrupt the normal course of the training process and indicate its irrational construction. ...
    • Transforming TESOL Pedagogy: Navigation Emerging Technology and Innovative Process 

      Elkut, Musbah Ramadan (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2023-07)
      The teaching of English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) discipline is starting to be influenced by the new geopolitical perspective that transformative pedagogy offers to grammar and communication training. In order ...
    • Transient Pressure Analysis and Productivity Index Estimation in Horizontal Wells 

      Alhaj, Haiat K.; Saleh, Laila D.; Hunky, Rabia (2020-12-03)
      The Analysis of pressure build-up tests in horizontal wells are known as complicated due to changing of flow regimes, formation thickness, well horizontal length….etc. The main objective of study is presents an interpretation ...
    • Università di khoms Facoltà di Lettere Dipartimento di Lingua Italiana L’insegnamento Dell’italiano nella letteratura Italiana Come LS 

      Lashter, Taher E Abubaker; El Eluani, Touraia Ibrahim; Danna, Wagdi R.M (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2022-03)
      من خلال النبدة المختصرة للأدب الايطالي وطريقة تدريس اللغة عن طريق هذه المادة للطلبة في جامعتي طرابلس و الخمس، قسم اللغة الايطاليةٌ، من خلال هذه الدراسة نستنتج ان الطالب يكتسب مهارات الاستيعاب وفهم الازمنة النحوية الخاصة ...
    • University Students’ Attitudes towards Blended Learning in Libya: Empirical Study 

      Adrugi, Salem Msauad; Elawaj, Tareg Abdusalam; Alhwat, Milad Mohamed (ELMERGIB UNIVERSITY, 2022-01)
      The present study aimed to explore the university students’ attitudes in Libya towards blended learning (B-earning). To explore such attitudes, the researchers designed a questionnaire. They selected a purposive sample ...